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Nice trophy, eh?

Well dear readers, ’twas a fine holiday after all. Now, I know it seems kind of late to be writing about Thanksgiving and all, but you’ll just have to deal; because I’ve spent the rest of my life since then, up until now, working on college.

After two Thanksgiving dinners (one with the immediate family and another with the “not-quite-so-urgent” family) I sort of got used to stuffing myself silly. There were many great moments from my excursion back to the den of Momma and Poppafox, but perhaps the greatest of them all can be summed up in six sweet, sweet words: “I won the gingerbread house competition.”

My Minimalist Gingerbread Pier

Okay, so my gingerbread “house” wasn’t all that great, but it did have a sailboat crewed with orange gummy bears. Thank heavens for lenient judges! That’s right – here’s a shout out to you, Oscar Lacek.

Thanksgiving and holiday stuff aside, I’ve been spending a lot of time at my desk lately. Apparently college takes a little bit of elbow grease. Who knew?

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